Please Don’t Buy Knock Knock

Yesterday, Knock Knock arrived on PS4. It’s a very important breakthough for our studio: the first Ice-Pick game on consoles ever!

Please don’t buy it.

Not yet. Not if you live in Europe, anyway.

The thing is, due to certain complications, the current price of the game is thrice as high as we’ve planned. Regional prices are a very important matter—and the current price tag is simply unfair for certain economies. We’ve misjudged the flexibility of the PSN service, and now, as a compromise, we’re working on lowering the PSN price of Knock Knock to €5 across all Europe. It will be updated on September, 18th.

We suggest you refrain from buying the game until then—it wouldn’t make sense to pay more since we’re unlikely to be able to provide you with additional benefits.

If you live in Europe, have already purchased the game, and feel unhappy with the price situation, please contact us at and we will try to figure out something.

The North American price of Knock Knock will remain unchanged, so you’re welcome to try the PS4 Knock Knock experience right away.

Thank you for your attention and for the patience.

Be vigilant